Monday, January 26, 2009

Connecting With Source Energy

The main direction my healing is taking now is working with my thoughts and feelings, as well as getting help and direction from healers who work on the energetic field.

I went for a second session with Chad in Springfield, who does the Reconnection work Dr. Eric Pearl writes about in his book. Although I didn't have any fantastic dreams that night (as I had after my first session), I felt very energized and peaceful afterwards. I know that this work is helping me connect with my Source Energy.

I have also been listening to the Abraham tapes (channeled by Esther Hicks) about the Law of Attraction, as well as working with the book, (channeled by Abraham) Ask, and It is Given.
Abraham speaks of the stream of Well-Being that flows to us all the time. When we have troubles in our lives, it is because we pinch off that stream, and don't allow it in. In order to create our lives consciously, we need to be aware of the thoughts and beliefs that keep us from realizing the life that we want. This gets tricky, because if we desire something, and we realize that we don't have it, the Law of Attraction brings both things into our lives--the realization that we don't have it is as powerful an attractor as the desire to have it!

So, what I've been working with in my healing is letting in the stream of Well-Being energy, and keeping my desire (for health) to be foremost in my thoughts. When I find myself slipping into a fear-based place about the cancer, I switch to an affirmation of my health. I'm using the song I wrote: "I am a beloved Child of God, and I am in Perfect Health." I state this affirmation very often throughout the day. When I meet people and they ask how I am, I say, "I am in perfect health." This statement FEELS true (I have been feeling fantastic!), and I feel very happy when I say it. Abraham says that our emotions are our gauge for how well we are letting in the Source Energy.

I had a little experience today that demonstrated to me how powerful this idea is. I had a dental appointment for a cleaning. I've always had very sensitive teeth, and even cleaning has been uncomfortable for me. However, Abraham says that if we experience pain, it is our "gauge" that we are not connecting to Source Energy--we are resisting its flow. So, I decided I would think only positive thoughts about the teeth cleaning experience. I started by feeling deep appreciation for the technician who was doing the cleaning--how wonderful it is that these people are willing to clean our teeth to keep them healthy! Then as she was working, I kept this thought running through my head: "I allow Source Energy to flow through me, contributing to my Well-Being." I felt NO PAIN at all during the cleaning! This is a first for me!

In the book, Ask and It is Given," Abraham says that the length of time it takes for a total healing to take place depends on the mix of thoughts one holds. I know I still have mixed thoughts: maybe the doctors are right--I'll need to have surgery to get this lump out of my breast; my friend Holly tried to heal herself through Christian Science thought, and she wasted away and died; I'm deluding myself--it is impossible to get rid of cancer without medical intervention; etc. On the other hand, I am feeling very positive about the direction my healing is taking. I know that others have achieved "spontaneous remissions" that puzzled their doctors (I think they just really connected to Source Energy!). The supplements I'm taking have healed others from breast cancer. The lumps are shrinking in size! I have Energetic Beings who are assisting me in healing. (See the next post). I'm feeling joyous and energetic, and I feel connected to Source Energy! I have stopped focusing on the lump in my breast (is it gone yet?), and just relaxing and knowing that as I continue to connect to the Source (God) that I will become totally healthy. I am totally healthy NOW.

There is a study group that is working with the Abraham material, and I feel like I'm taking to it like a duck to water! This makes so much sense to me--stuff that I've read about before is coming into focus for me in a very real way. I am SO appreciative for the Abraham material!

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